Last night we served communion to the women in the jail. What a glorious time for us all. Recently, a friend told me that when he instructs others in the Truth, that Truth just spills out over everyone around, including himself. Last night God's truth was spilling out on us all -- the Pastor, me, and the six women there who were being transformed.
Transformation happens in increments and any one of us would be hard pressed to say when or how, but we know, like when we look in pictures of ourselves from a few years back, that we have changed. Spiritually, we change when we expose ourselves to the Truth -- whether through a book or a person or a moment in prison when we just surrender to the Holy Presence all around us and get just a little more light in our understanding.
Last night, we all changed a little.
At some point during the service, a man in a red baseball cap poked his head in and reminded the women to write something "from the heart" into their Kids Bibles. Every year this man comes in and brings boxes of Bibles for kids. He gives them to the women and men to give to their children. He encourages them to write messages in the Bibles, "something from the heart" that the child will have for many years to come.
"The harvest is plenty," the man told me at the door as I was leaving later in the night. "The workers are few."
I don't know that man, and even though we live in a small town, he doesn't know me either. We are workers for Christ behind the scenes. It is exciting to me to think of the Spirits of God out there, doing His work behind the scenes. Someday when it is all revealed, and we see how many of us there are out there, doing His work -- Jesus! What a surprise we're going to get.
Elijah thought he was the only one. But God had a surprise for him. If you are growing weary of doing good work, just take a moment and consider how many others are there with you.
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