Friday, January 9, 2009

The Way We Talk

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other, just as God, in Christ, forgave you.

We remind each other of these verses before we begin our meetings. In Ephesians, we get a whole great list of things to remember, in or out of jail, about how to talk with others.

"But we're in JAIL..." there's no way that this is going to happen.

Granted, it's a difficult situation. It's loud and full of emotion, some women are even sleeping on the floor. Funding is low and the place is inadequately staffed. It's dirty and crazy and full of profane language, but Paul and Silas sang in prison, and I told them they could too.

Yeah, what do you understand? I know that's what they want to say to me...

We begin to pray and the power of God's Spirit falls on us all. Prayers for children, prayers for lovers, family, grieving parents on the outside...and then the prayers of strength.

"Help me to stand up for You, Lord."
"Give me the words to say, Lord,"
"Put your armor on me, God."
"Enable me to do this for You..."

There is hope in their words. Suddenly they perceive what they are saying, and the prayers get bolder,

"I will stand for you, Lord,"
"No matter what it takes,"
"No matter what they do..."

To be persecuted for doing what is right -- for doing God's work in the jail -- that's what these men and women are up against.

Pray for them right now, right here with me. Every man and woman behind bars who has come to understand who You are, God. Enable them. Defend them. Protect them.


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